Professional Bio

I am seeking opportunities to grow and expand upon the experience I’ve gained from being part of a local company in the Philadelphia suburbs, and apply it to a larger, metropolitan company. New York has a broader market where my work could have a larger impact, potentially even internationally. In addition to career growth potential in New York, I have always been inspired by the art and culture of the city. I’ve always been drawn to urban settings, so attending The Catholic University of America in Washington D.C. was a great fit. I was able to experience the city while enjoying the success and team culture of their field hockey team. At Catholic, I pursued a degree with limitless application in my personal and professional life, Psychology.

After graduation, I moved back to my hometown of West Chester, PA, and applied my degree to a Social Media and Marketing position for a local company, where I spearheaded the marketing and branding efforts, working closely with the CEO to maintain his vision. I continued honing my keen eye for aesthetics and design and explored more creative avenues within the organization. Though originally focused on social media, I quickly expanded my position responsibilities to include other creative marketing endeavors. I applied my existing photography and Photoshop knowledge and learned Illustrator and InDesign to provide in-house digital design. In an effort to continually expand and improve my capabilities, I enrolled in courses in front end web development. After completing free HTML and CSS classes, I enrolled in an intensive bootcamp “Build Websites from Scratch”. After months of dedication, I received a grade of “Exceeded Expectations”, the highest mark possible in the class. I've utilized all these skills and have expanded the scope of my position at the company.

Directly reporting to the owner of this organization has groomed me for future leadership positions. The owner mentored and tasked me with managing all the marketing, branding and public relations for the company. My leadership training extended beyond the company; I represented the company as the professional community leader, often managing events with non-profit organizations and professional groups. The experience I’ve gained in marketing, branding, graphic design and web development along with the direct view into the management of an organization has enabled me to shape my next role.

When not working, I spend my time enjoying athletics and art. I was introduced to field hockey at a young age, and decided to play year-round. I still play year-round in a competitive adult league, and love getting to know my new teammates and the challenge each new opponent brings. On weekends in the winter, I can usually be found shredding up the slopes on my snowboard with my family. I unwind through a variety of creative outlets. I typically prefer the mystery and depth-of-field of black and white film photography, but with sporadic access to a darkroom, I started practicing digital photography in more recent years. In my photography, I gravitate towards fashion and portraits, which may be a personal bias given another hobby of mine, sewing. For me, sewing is more of a puzzle than an art. Once I learned the basics I could look at a garment and know the individual pieces of the pattern. Occasionally I have made my own patterns for costumes. One day, I would like to take classes to learn couture techniques. My love of visuals and fashion extends beyond what the eye can initially see, I also like to create my own vision through watercolor paintings. I try to keep my life and mind as balanced as possible with my competitive pursuits and my creative outlets.